Wednesday, November 1

Finding: You can't escape from Hippie Drum Circles

Sure, it's Halloween. Sure, the 364 other days of the year you're at the bottom of hippie hill, PLUR-ing your brains out. But this is your night to shine. You're going to set up camp right outside my fucking flat and drum into the night.

Let's see. Non-sensical "costumes". Check. Girl in a tutu who can only play the cowbell. Check. Shit-eating grin on your face. Check. No job, girlfriend or place to go for 5-8 hours. Check, check, check.

1 comment:

lauren said...

Sometimes I like it when it rains, because it's funny to think about all of the hippies with their bongos waking up and being like, 'Damn, what am I going to do today?'