On my walk to BART this morning, I noticed that Mars, Inc. had sullied my urban utopia of a neighborhood with another one of their moronic billboards. You know, the ones that have infected our land like the bubonic plague? Satisfectellent. Peanutopolis. Etceterama. Gimmeafuckingbreakalreadyosaurus Rex.
I'm not so much in the mood to comment on shitty advertisements. Actually, I am: this campaign is shit. Others have said it first, but I will say it again. And again. This campaign totally sucks; it completely blows in every way!
The one that really gets me is "hungerectomy." The word implies that eating a Snickers is like having your hunger surgically removed with a scalpel, that blood will be involved, that feeling hungry is akin to having a tumor. According to the Snickers website's hungerectomy page, the word is a noun which means "A highly precise procedure involving your hunger getting punched in the face, dragged into an alley, and robbed." Admittedly, the definition is not really all that surgical. But it is moronic. It's like everyone who worked on this campaign prepared for the kick-off meeting by popping retard pills, and once the campaign got off the ground, all developed hardcore addictions.
I hate that billboard. I hate it more than I love Snickers.
They should have put, "A highly precise procedure involving your hunger getting anally gang-raped and mutilated, poured gasoline on, then set on fire." Too far? Oh. Too far.
Oh my god that is, like, totally satisfectellent.
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